Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How-To Feed Your Garden, or Instant Composting

This is a great way to use all your fruit and veggie scraps and plant items that didn't make it to the dinner table. (Please do not use animal products ie. meat, milk, eggs or fats.) You've probably heard of composting? It's where you save all your scraps and put them into a pile outside for months while waiting for them to break down into the soil for fertilizer? Well, this is an instant way to do the same thing! I read a comparison in someone's info and they called the time it takes "warp speed"! What I like best about this is it doesn't cost anything, you don't need any fancy bin, and it doesn't smell. All you have to do is save your scraps
for a day or two. Then you blend them in the blender with a cup or two of water. I'm sure you already know not to try banana peels or corn cobs. They won't blend!

Mix this garden smoothie into some soil. I like to do half at a time so I don't have to wonder if I stirred it all the way to the bottom.
Then I put the mixed soil into a pot, or you can directly stir it into your garden space wherever you will be planting.
And lastly I add the plant, this one's a bell pepper, and water it!
Happy plant, happy pocketbook!
P.S. You can also add this to the garden later by putting it in the ground beside the plants.


  1. Very clever. Maybe this trick would help turn my thumb green.

  2. =) Definitely one to add to my very useful how-to's collection! Looks great!

  3. This looks like a very ambitious project for my weak and old blender. Must update soon. Thanks!

  4. You, my dear, are a WEALTH of fantastic information. Thanks for this post...and all your others!

  5. Found you through Christie's blog--what a GREAT idea! We've been in rentals for a couple years and had no compost pile--but I just bought a couple tomato plants for containers. I saved my scraps and voila, just added some compost smoothie to my tomatoes. Thanks SO much for sharing! :)
