Monday, April 18, 2011

Got A Sweet Tooth?

I do.
It's a shameful thing I know, but here I am needing something sweet to end my evening meal! It doesn't have to be big or fancy, just a nibble will do but it has to be something!
I decided several years ago to do some sleuthing around about what sweeteners were "good" and which ones were not. I'd already given up on processed, granulated white sugar, brown sugar, and powdered sugar, chemicals and all you know. But I took one look at the shelf at the health food store and felt so overwhelmed I uttered prayers right there on the spot!
I know honey is one of the best choices with it's trace minerals, but sometimes I just don't want my final product to taste like it. A good alternative is agave, although I'm still learning about how to cook with that one. Maple Syrup is wonderful when you're looking for the brown sugar flavor, and grade B does it best in recipes. Honey, Agave and Pure Maple Syrup are all low to med-low on the glycemic index.
Next on the list are the ones that are quite sweet but aren't sugars at all. There's Xylitol and Stevia.
Ever notice when label reading that there are usually multiple sweeteners in any given product? That's because they each have their strengths and weaknesses. Xylitol has the drawback of causing diarhea if too much is consumed. (A moderate amount is harmless) Stevia tends to have a bit of an aftertaste if too much is added to the recipe but Truvia brand doesn't. Each of these are calorie free, have no effect on blood sugar and do not promote candida or tooth decay. Xylitol actually strengthens bones and restores tooth enamel!So. How about that! There really are sweeteners out there that are good for you! Recipes to follow soon!

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